Assesment starts with having the best teachers or Mentors. Offering Solutions and guidance.

Assessment and Promotion

The progress of a student is determined by regular evaluation and term examinations. A regular record (progress report) showing the results of these tests and examinations, along with a statement regarding the conduct and progress of each student, will be given to the parents at the end of each examination. Reasons for absence from an examination or test should be intimated to the Principal through the class teacher without delay and certified by the parent. In case of illness, a valid medical certificate should be produced when required by the Principal.

Promotion Criteria
  • 1. Promotion depends on the student’s performance in the tests and term examinations, along with other works and activities allotted throughout the year. At the final weightage score, every student is required to obtain a minimum of 40% in all subjects individually.
  • 2. A minimum of 80% attendance is required for promotion to the next higher class.
  • 3. The results declared at the end of the year are final and will not be reconsidered. The result published cannot be challenged in any court of law.
  • 4. The answer scripts of the annual examination will not be shown to the parents/guardians.
  • 5. In all matters related to the admission/examination/promotion of students, the decision of the management is final and binding.
  • 6. Students who resort to malpractice will be debarred from the rest of the examination. This may even lead to dismissal from the school.
  • 7. Students absenting themselves from an examination or test will not be re-examined.
  • 8. No student who fails twice in the same class will be allowed to continue in the school.
  • 9. Students will not be allowed to take the annual examination unless all dues are cleared for the year.
  • 10. A student failing in one class does not remain on the roll unless the parent/guardian informs the Principal in writing before reopening that the student wishes to continue in the school.
  • 11. Surprise tests will be conducted to keep the study spirit alive among students.